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Bernadette Del Chiaro - The Brains Behind California’s Solar Defenses

California’s clean energy future is on a collision course with profit-oriented monopoly utilities. From the Governor’s office to the California Public Utilities Commission to the Legislature, policies are being implemented that are leading to skyrocketing electric rates and record utility profits — while at the same time crushing California's rooftop solar and storage industry and knocking the state off track in meeting its own clean energy goals.


It’s a classic David vs. Goliath story. Only, instead of “David” being one person standing up to the powerful utilities, given the unique power of solar energy, here, it is every ratepayer, every solar worker, every solar business fighting to protect the right for consumers to generate energy from the sun. And Bernadette Del Chiaro, as the Executive Director of the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA), is leading the fight for affordable, safe and reliable power for homes and businesses.

Please listen to this week's Energy Show podcast as Bernadette explains the compelling need to reign in utilities so we can once again enjoy affordable and safe electricity.

About The Energy Show

Every week Barry hosts The Energy Show, a 30 minute informative talk show that covers a broad variety of energy related topics spanning technology, economics, policy, and politics that are shaping the future of how we generate and consume electricity, along with practical money-saving tips on ways to reduce your home and business energy consumption.

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